HomeLegal notices

Legal notices


Company name: Département de la Manche
Siret: 225 005 024 00081
Address: Conseil départemental de la Manche, 50050 Saint-Lô CEDEX
Phone: +33 (0)2 33 05 55 50


Chairman of the Conseil départemental de la Manche. 


Head of the Sites & Museums Network department
The editorial design, monitoring, technical maintenance and updates of the website are provided by the Conseil départemental de la Manche. You can contact us using the contact form.


The site was designed and developed by the Information Systems and Modernisation Department (DSIM) of the Conseil départemental de la Manche. 


This site is hosted by Manche Numérique, Public Establishment, Zone Delta, 235 Rue Joseph Cugnot, 50000, SAINT-LO, FR – Phone: +33 (0)2 33 77 83 60 – contact@manchenumerique.fr 


The Département and its partners make every effort to ensure that all the information provided on its website is accurate and up-to-date. The Département de la Manche cannot be held liable for defective transmission of data from partner databases or for incompatibilities due to the user’s browser. 

The Département de la Manche cannot be held liable for any omissions or inaccuracies in the information and documents on the website, whether due to partners or other external contributors. 

Under no circumstances can the Département de la Manche be held liable in the event of a breach of any of the above obligations or in the event of any dispute arising therefrom. 


The Département de la Manche informs you about the processing of personal data and asks you to refer to the data privacy policy on this website. 


You are informed that when you connect to the website and use it, cookies may be installed on your receiving terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) for the proper functioning of the services, or on your browser subject to your expressed choice regarding cookies which can be changed at all times. 

Batterie-azeville.manche.fr differentiates between 3 categories of cookies depending on whether they are used for site navigation, audience measurement or advertising. 

Batterie-azeville.manche.fr uses navigation cookies to improve the performance of its services in order to provide you better use of the website. 

Batterie-azeville.manche.fr uses audience measurement cookies to compile statistics and volumes of visits to and use of the various elements making up the website (sections and content visited, path taken), making it possible to improve the interest and ergonomics of its services. 

Batterie-azeville.manche.fr does not use advertising cookies. 

You can manage cookies using your browser. 

You are presumed to have given your consent to cookies by clicking the “OK, accept all” button on the information banner visible when you first connect to the website, or by having customised your preferences by clicking the “Preferences” button. 

If you refuse the storage of cookies on your terminal or browser, or delete those that are stored there, you are informed that your browsing and experience on the website may be limited. Where applicable, the Département declines all liability for the consequences of the deteriorated operation of services resulting from your refusal to accept cookies or from the impossibility of saving or reading the cookies required for their operation as a result of your choice. 

You can use this link to give, refuse or withdraw your consent at all times, either globally or service by service: Cookie management. 

If enabled: You can also access cookie management at all times while browsing the website, by going to the legal information page and clicking Cookie management.


The Département authorises any website or other medium to quote it or to set up a hypertext link to its content, provided that the source (Département de la Manche website) is mentioned, that the link is free of charge, and that the reached page is not embedded via an “iframe”. The Département reserves the right to request the removal of links on third-party websites. 

Links to third-party websites: The Département de la Manche reserves the right to link or not to third party websites. These websites are not under the control of the Département de la Manche, which is therefore not liable for the content of those sites, the links they contain, or any changes or updates made to them. 


David Daguier / CD50

You can use this link to give, refuse or withdraw your consent at all times, either globally or service by service: Cookie management