

European Heritage Days 2024

Free entry all weekend for the European Heritage Days!

Walk through 300 meters of underground galleries, explore the ammunition bunkers, the Tobrouks, and the personnel shelters. Then, outside, visit two of the four casemates on the site.

Discover the History of this Iconic D-Day Site

The Azeville Battery audio guide offers a complete immersion into the site’s history. Over 17 stages, you will learn about:

  • The Specific Operation of this Battery Situated Inland: How were the battery’s guns positioned? How were they loaded?
  • The Construction of this Military Concrete Architecture and Camouflage Techniques: How did the Germans build this reinforced concrete battery? How did they manage to camouflage it to remain invisible to the Allies?
  • Communication Methods of the Occupying Troops: How did the Germans communicate among themselves and with other batteries?
  • The Daily Life of the German Garrison and its Relations with the Civilian Population: How did the Germans live in the battery? How did they interact with the local inhabitants?
  • The Offensive of the 4th American Infantry Division and the USS Nevada in June 1944: How did the Allies capture the Azeville Battery?

A Rich and Varied Content for a Fascinating Visit

The Azeville Battery audio guide is an indispensable tool for a comprehensive and engaging visit to this historic site. Thanks to its rich and varied content, it will reveal all the secrets of this battery, from its construction to its role in the Allied Landing. The audio guide provides an average visit duration of one hour. For enthusiasts, the three levels of in-depth content can extend the visit up to 2.5 hours!

The audio guide is available in 7 languages, with versions for children (ages 7 to 12) available in French, English, Dutch, and German.